Supportive Membership

Together here we spend at least 1300 hours every year creating educational content for our free resources. Jessica, along with Rachael & Dan in the office, give a lot to ensure everyone has the opportunity to learn solid foundations in all things photography. Although the Premium Membership option gives more for those who want more, we also know that not everyone is going to be able to sign up, for a variety of reasons from time to finances. We do know however, because so many of the community have told us, that they would like to pledge a monthly amount to say thanks and to ensure we can keep creating.

This option is purely voluntary. You do not need to pay anything to access the free content on YouTube, in the Group or on the blog. If you do choose to support us financially each month, we’ll make sure you get your money’s worth and then some.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart (it’s Jess, hey there!) if you chose to select this option. You are who I do this for!

Pick a number here to subscribe monthly as a Supportive Member. You can cancel at any time.

£7.20 / month